

I’m Janna Holterman, Nurse Burnout Coach, BNSc, RN, CCRN

I help nurses beat burnout and navigate a broken system so they can create careers they actually enjoy, while living lives they love.

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I’m Janna Holterman, Life Coach, BNSc, RN

I help nurses create resiliency against burnout and learn how to love nursing again.


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Let’s get to it!


Janna Holterman uses her personal experiences as a Registered Nurse and entrepreneur to help nurses beat burnout. She personally transformed from working to the point of exhaustion and overwhelm second guessing nursing all together to an energetic and self-confident RN working while building a coaching practice. Now Janna helps Nurses figure out what their best nursing career can look like so they can live a life they love inside and outside the hospital.  Janna uses mindset, structure and resiliency tools from her own journey along with training from the Co-Active Training institute and The Life Coach school to create results that last a life time. 


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Janna and I worked 1:1 for 6 months through our weekly Badass Blueprint sessions and I am so glad to have her as a nurse coach and friend! She really inspired me to step into my own confidence as an entrepreneur and in my Nurse career. She really helped me discover what it means to me to live a thriving, passionate existence, especially helping me navigate through several life changes! She really helped me see the big picture and clarity when I had a million questions buzzing around in my head. She meets without judgment and with her whole heart. Janna has truly been a joy to work with and I recommend her 1000% to anyone looking to take the leap into becoming your most badass self!


Tara F.

I initially met Janna at the hospital on a couple of wards as she worked in the resource team. Then she came to work on my unit, we reported off patient assignments to each other a couple of times. I always thought she presented herself as confident, efficient and happy; and always nice and approachable. Incidentally I saw her page on Instagram. At that time I was going through a career and personal transition, just completed graduate school; going through withdrawal from a chaotic schedule trying to balance home and work life. On her page she had a lot of motivational videos and words that spoke to me - especially her workout advice, I had stopped working out before the pandemic and was feeling greatly out of sorts! I realized I needed change, some sort of regrouping, reorganizing my life and a bit of tweaking of some aspects if I was going to be an effective advocate for my patients and effectively continue on my path as a wife, mom and in all the meaningful relationships in my life. 
I can tell you, I started working with Janna October 22 and my life has been transforming in ways I never imagined possible! Just as a glimpse of some of the changes - I now work-out 3 times a week, I’m more organized in many aspects of my life I don’t waste my brain space and time humming and hawing about what I need to do next, I just do it! I have already gained new confidence (personal and professional) I honestly never thought I would; i have let go of so much doubt I had in me and didn’t even realize! I have so much more emotional and physical energy to enjoy the most important aspects of my life. I am happier than I was, I value being 100% present at all times in everything I do - I will stop hear for now, Janna has helped me to realize the huge potentials I had in me already and helped me bring out the badass in myself! I cannot wait to see what else unfolds for me in the coming months and future! Thank you Janna for what you do!!


Mable C.

I struggled a lot with beginning my RN career during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and reached out to Janna for help. Janna not only showed empathy for the challenges of being a RN but she also provided guidance to overcome these challenges. As someone who is a RN herself, Janna truly understands the struggles burnt out nurses go through and the nature of working in an inpatient unit. I valued the consistency of our meetings and her availability through the Phone Application Voxer. As unpredictable events occur in life and during nursing shifts, utilizing Voxer to communicate with her really helped address issues timelier instead of waiting to discuss them on the next weekly call. After working with Janna for six months, I not only developed more confidence in my nursing practice, but I became more self-aware about things I was doing to burn myself out in an already stressful environment. We discussed techniques to address pre-shift anxiety and a healthier self-care routine during shifts. She taught me how to advocate for myself while respecting others; internalizing the importance of addressing one's needs prior to caring for others. And most importantly, after working with Janna, I have developed more self-compassion for myself and my work as a RN. Thank you, Janna, for your time and efforts in helping me through this difficult time of being a RN. I am very grateful for this experience and would highly recommend working with her.


L. G.


I reached out to Janna for coaching to deal with feelings of emotional exhaustion and loss of identity as a result of caring for my mother for an extended period of time and navigating through the healthcare system before her death. I was feeling angry, less empathy for those around me, and I felt like I had lost the ability to connect with people. Janna heard my story, helped me unpack the key experiences by asking bold questions and we looked at what happened from a different perspective. This new perspective gave me a sense of resolve, understanding, acceptance and most importantly a positive narrative. When I started speaking or thinking my new narrative, my energy returned, my interest in other people's lives returned and most of all I was more hopeful about the future.


Deborah L.